Percipio Learning - Skill Benchmark Dashboard
The Skill Benchmark dashboard shows a visual summary of one particular skill. The data shown on this page uses the filter specified in the Skill Benchmark Overview dashboard.
How to Use
With this dashboard, you can gauge where your learners are on the proficiency spectrum and whether they improved.
For example, this dashboard helps you see how you might need to tailor programs based on results. If many users rank in the Novice category, you might consider assigning additional content for this skill. Conversely, if many learners score in the Proficient category and only a few score in Novice, you can tailor programs just for the Novice users.
Access the Dashboard
To access the Skill Benchmark Dashboard:
- From the Analytics menu, select Skill Benchmark dashboard.
- Use the filtering options.
- From the list, locate the skill benchmark you want to view and select it. The Skill Benchmark dashboard opens.
Dashboard Description
The four distinct areas of measurement on the dashboard are:
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