Percipio Learning - Skill Benchmark Dashboard

Percipio Learning - Skill Benchmark Dashboard

The Skill Benchmark dashboard shows a visual summary of one particular skill. The data shown on this page uses the filter specified in the Skill Benchmark Overview dashboard.

How to Use

With this dashboard, you can gauge where your learners are on the proficiency spectrum and whether they improved.

For example, this dashboard helps you see how you might need to tailor programs based on results. If many users rank in the Novice category, you might consider assigning additional content for this skill. Conversely, if many learners score in the Proficient category and only a few score in Novice, you can tailor programs just for the Novice users.

Access the Dashboard

To access the Skill Benchmark Dashboard:

  1. From the Analytics menu, select Skill Benchmark dashboard.
  2. Use the filtering options.
  3. From the list, locate the skill benchmark you want to view and select it. The Skill Benchmark dashboard opens.

Dashboard Description

The four distinct areas of measurement on the dashboard are:

  • Unique learners: Shows the number of unique users who completed – answered all the questions for – the selected skill benchmark at least once within the date specified.
  • Skill Level Distribution: Shows how many learners scored within each proficiency level for the selected Skill Benchmark within the date range specified. If a learner completed the benchmark more than once within the date range specified, only the best score is reported.
  • Skill Level Proficiency over time: Shows how many learners achieved a rank of proficient or higher on the skill benchmark over a period of time. It also shows you the percentage increase compared to the last data point.
  • Average Skill Level: Takes the average of all the best proficiency scores for each learner within the date range specified and shows it relative to the thresholds for the different proficiency levels.
  • Benchmark Results: Shows specific details for each learner about their Skill Benchmark activity. You can download this portion of the dashboard. You can also organize columns to present the data in a way that makes the most sense for you.

    By default the following columns are visible:

    • USER ID: The value entered in the User ID attribute. It is used to identify a user inside Percipio.
    • FIRST NAME: The value entered in the First name user attribute. Usually the user's first name.
    • LAST NAME: The value entered in the Last name user attribute. Usually the user's last name.
    • LEVEL: Identifies whether the learner's best benchmark score is in the range of Novice (0-9%), Aspiring (10-49%), Developing (50-69%), Proficient (70-89%), and Advanced (90-100%).
    • BEST SCORE:The best score for the learner within the date range specified. For managers and learning admins, this column can be turned off in role customizations.
    • FIRST SCORE: The user's first score within the date range specified.
    • MOST RECENT SCORE: The score from the last time the user took the skill benchmark within the specified date range. This may be equal to the first score or best score, but may not.
    • BEST SCORE DATE:The date the best score was achieved as of the date specified.
    • COMPLETIONS:The total number of times the learner completed the benchmark as of the date specified.

    Other columns available include:

    • User UUID: Viewable only from the CSV download, this field is a unique identifier representing the user. It is displayed as either first and last name, email address, login ID, or external user ID.
    • AUDIENCES: Shows the audiences where the learner is a member.

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