This feature adds the ability to manage the number of licensed users in a client's implementation of PeopleFluent Talent Management. Clients can be alerted when approaching the maximum number of users in their licensed applications and get reports on overages.



A new reporting system allows clients to configure email alerts when the number of users gets close to their license limit, and adds a new ad hoc report category to provide client license overage data.

The following new enhancements have been made to support license overage management:

  1. New System Settings
    There is a new category of system settings that controls license overage management and allows you to manage and track the number of licensed people in each purchased Talent Management application. To access the license system settings, go to Menu > Administration Home > Site Administration > Data Setup > System Settings, then apply a filter to the Category column for License.

    Settings include the following:
    License Overage Alert Email EnabledEnables the license overage alert email. This must be enabled for any email notification to be sent. The setting for at least one module (or for active users) must also be enabled for an email to be sent. 
    License Overage Alert Email RecipientsA comma-separated list of license overage alert email recipients.
    License Overage Alert for Active UsersEnables the license overage alert for active users.
    License Overage Alert for CompensationEnables the license overage alert for Compensation.
    License Overage Alert for IncentiveEnables the license overage alert for Incentive.
    License Overage Alert for PerformanceEnables the license overage alert for Performance.
    License Overage Alert for SalaryEnables the license overage alert for Salary.
    License Overage Alert for SuccessionEnables the license overage alert for Succession.
    License Overage Alert Percent ThresholdThe license overage alert threshold percentage. This is the point at which the enabled email alerts will be sent. 

    You can enable an email alert for each activated application that will be sent when the number of active users or plan participants exceeds the license overage alert threshold percentage.

  2. Off-Cycle Last Updated Date
    As part of this feature, the Off-Cycle last updated field is now updated upon initiation of the reward cycle, and upon any state transition during the cycle. This was done so Off-Cycle reward cycle usage can be properly recorded. 

  3. Ad Hoc Reports
    A new License Usage ad hoc report category has been added, allowing reports to be generated on a client's license information. Reports under this category include License Usage Counts and License Usage Detail.


  4. New Scheduled Job
    A new scheduled job (Calculate License Usage) will run by default once a week to populate the new report with data. The timing and frequency of this job can be managed on the Scheduler Status page, and it can be run manually if needed.