There are three scenarios Percipio detects when you attempt to replace an existing SCORM or AICC package:
Percipio detects only minor changes. You can replace the existing file without impacting learners completion or progress. Learners see the updates next time they start the course.
Percipio detects major changes. You can't replace the existing file. You must add it as a new course.
Percipio detects minor changes that might impact learners' progress or their ability to complete it properly. You can still replace the existing file.
Types of changes and impacts to learners
The types of changes you make to a SCORM or AICC package may impact what learners see when you republish. Types of changes you can make to a SCORM or AICC fall into three categories: minor, major, and minor with impact.

Minor changes, or non-material changes, include grammatical or spelling errors and image file updates.
If you make minor changes, Skillsoft recommends that you replace the existing course. The impact to learners is:
- Learners who started the original course see the new version when they reopen the course. The learner can start where they left off, progress is maintained.
- Learners who completed the original course can view the new version. The course remains complete.
- Learners who haven't started the course only see the new version.

Minor changes that impact learners are things like a change in course identifiers or changes to the content of the course within existing topics.
If you make these types of changes, Skillsoft recommends that you retire the existing course and publish the changes as a new course. If you choose to replace the existing course with the new course, the impact to learners is:
- Learners who started the original course see the original version of the course when they open it.
- Learners who completed the original course see the original version if they open it. Their completion remains.
- Learners who did not yet start the course, see the new version when they open it.

Major changes include those that impact the table of contents, the content organization and sequence, and going from single SCO to multi-SCO or vice versa.
If you make major changes, you can't replace your existing file.
Skillsoft recommends the following for a package with major changes:
- Edit the existing course title by appending Retiring soon to the title.
- Notify your learners that have started the course that you plan to retire the existing course and that they should complete the course to avoid losing their progress.
- Retire the older course.
- Upload the new package.
- Archive existing assignments that contain the old course if you want to be able to report on assignment completions, otherwise, you can cancel the assignment.
- Create a new assignment with the new course.
Important information about replacement file storage
Percipio supports versioning for hosted custom content packages. In an ongoing effort to ensure a positive user experience, when you replace an existing SCORM or AICC package, Percipio maintains only the most recently-uploaded package files. Previous versions of these files are cleaned up from the server to free up more storage space.
Skillsoft recommends that you download a copy of the current package files prior to replacing them.
Replace a package
Navigate to the hosted custom content.
- From the Admin menu, choose CONTENT > Content Items. The Manage Content Items page displays.
- Locate the package in the list.
- Skillsoft recommends that you download a copy of the current package files prior to replacing them. Select the More Actions icon
, then select
Download package to download a copy of your source files.
- Select the More Actions icon
, then
Edit details. The Edit Custom Content page displays.
- At the top of the page, select Replace file.
- Browse to the new file.
- Select Upload.
- Edit the package details.
- Select Publish.
The content updates in Percipio and, if it is already added to a published custom channel or journey, is immediately available to learners.