Percipio allows you to include additional user attributes and update it for all the Users on Percipio. For example, there are currently users and a few attributes, and you intend adding an attribute called ‘Grade’. You want the new grade to be included for all existing users on the platform.
Follow the steps below on Percipio:
Create the New Attribute
Users > User Attribute > Create User Attribute e.g Grade.
Download the current user data which contains all user details and existing attributes.
Users > User management > Download Import Template
On the downloaded sheet, delete all unnecessary columns except the ‘externalUserId’ column and the newly created attribute column
NOTE: Percipio will use the ‘externalUserId’ column to update any other existing field.
Populate the column for each corresponding externalUserId
Upload the populated .csv file.
Users > User management > Bulk Import Users
Validate, clear any errors if necessary and upload the .csv file.
Confirm the new attributes has been added for each user on Percipio.