Percipio Learning - Edit the SCORM or AICC Package Details

Percipio Learning - Edit the SCORM or AICC Package Details

You can edit the Percipio-specific details of your SCORM or AICC package. Here, you can add details to aid your learners in the discovery of your content and specify the package's content player behaviors.

Note: On-screen fields marked with * are required.
  1. On the Edit Custom Content page, the Title may be automatically generated from the content. You can edit this field if necessary.
  2. The Description may be automatically generated from the content. You can edit this field if necessary .
  3. Choose a background image.
    • Images should be in a 16x9 aspect ratio.
    • The recommended size for the image is 1920 x 1080px.
    • The file size must be 300k or less.
  1. Select the content language.
  2. Specify content completion criteria:
    • For single files, web pages, and external links select one of the following completion options:
      • The learner opens it: Once the learner launches the link, Percipio marks it as complete and places the status to Completed on the learner's Activity page.
      • The learner marks it as complete: Once the learner launches the link, they can mark the content as complete using the Mark as completed option from the More actions menu of the content card or Activity page.
    • For SCORM and AICC packages, Percipio uses the completion criteria specified in the course package.
    • For YouTube links, .mp3, and .mp4 files Percipio assumes completion after the user watches at least 50% of the video or listens to at least 50% of the audio file.
  3. If you uploaded a SCORM or AICC package, optionally edit the package's content player behavior.
  4. Select Next: Add content discovery details to continue making edits, or select Save unpublished changes to return at a later date.
  5. Select your modality.
  6. Choose the learning style that best fits your content to determine how it is categorized within Percipio.

    • Watch: usually a video or course
    • Read: usually an e-book, article, or blog post
    • Listen: usually an audio book
    • Practice: usually resources that can be edited for a user's purpose, such as Microsoft Word or Excel documents
  7. Select a Content type. Content type is a universally recognized classification that defines how the content will be consumed by the learner. Skillsoft uses the types: videos, courses, labs, live events, books, audio books, etc. We suggest you use these as a starting point, but also define some of your own such as web articles, presentations, and quarterly meetings.

    The default selection is Course, but you can select a different type from the drop-down or enter a new value. We suggest you use the type ahead feature to avoid replicating an existing entry. You do not want to have two or three entries for the same item; one with title-case, one with all lowercase, a one-word entry, a two-word entry, or a hyphenated word would all be considered different types.

    A couple of notes about Content type:

    • When adding an external link, we recommend that you do not specify the Content type as link because it does not give the user any idea what kind of content it is. Is it a link to a video, document, or some interactive website?

    • When adding a SCORM/AICC course we recommend that you keep the Content type as course so learners can receive completion certificates, if enabled on your site. If you change the Content type to something other than course for a SCORM/AICC course, learners can't receive a completion certificate.

  8. Select a content source from the list or enter a new value. We suggest you use the type ahead feature to avoid replicating an existing entry.

    Content Source is who owns the intellectual property; it is not the platform where the item resides, such as YouTube or SharePoint. Skillsoft uses source to distinguish brands and partner content like Wintellect and GoFluent.

  9. Note: Content source is a required field. If you are editing a previously created content item and did not specify a content source at the time of creation, Percipio populates the field with the Organization Name.
  10. Enter a recommended duration.
  11. This displays on the content card. The duration is the average amount of time your learner can expect to engage with the content. To estimate books and content, use the average of 300 words per minute. If adding a video file, use the actual duration of the video.

  12. To ensure the best experience, select the device(s) for which your content is optimized. When learners attempt to access this content on a device not selected here (an “unsupported device”), a message directs them to access the content on the selected (“supported”) device(s).
  13. Optionally, select or enter a new expertise leveltechnology titletechnology version, and additional search terms.
  14. Optionally, enter an external ID. This is a unique identifier you can use to search for your custom content in Percipio Admin. The external ID does not display to learners in any search results or content cards.
  15. Select one of the following actions:
    • Cancel: Discard all changes.
    • Save as Draft: Save your changes for modification or publication later.
    • Next: Review content details: Progress to the final stage to review your settings and publish.

  16. Review the details of your custom content. Select to edit any details if necessary, then choose one of the following actions:
    • Cancel: Discard all changes.
    • Save as Draft: Save your changes for modification or publication later.
    • Next: Publish Content: Publish the content to a Percipio server so that you can add it to a channel or journey.

  17. Select to Publish your content or Save as draft for editing at a later date.

    Note: Publishing your content places it on the Percipio server. It is not yet available to your learners; to make it available to them, it must be added to a custom channel or journey.


  1. You can only add published custom content to a custom channel.

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