Percipio Learning - Download Program List Report

Percipio Learning - Download Program List Report

Download Program List Report

Any user with manage program privileges can view programs from the Learning program page.

To get additional information about learning programs that you see on the Learning program page, you can download the program list in one CSV file. Use this report to see programs and cohorts as well as how many learners are engaged with each program and how many completed.

Download the learning program list

To download the learning program list:

  1. From the left navigation bar, select Learning > Learning Programs. The Learning Programs page displays.
  2. Select Download report.

Data columns of the program report

The downloaded program report contains the following information:

  • Program Title: The title of the learning program.
  • Cohort name: The name of a cohort within the learning program.
  • Enrollment type: Indicates whether the learning program is required or optional for a particular cohort. When a cohort has a required program, learners are enrolled automatically. When a cohort has an optional program, learners are invited to enroll. Self enrolled indicates that the program is optional for learners who discover it and enroll in it.
  • Status: The status of the program.
  • Start date: The date the program started for the cohort.
  • Time period: This is when the program is due for the cohort. It might be a specific date or number of days or blank if there is no due date.
  • Created by: The first and last name of the person who created the learning program.
  • Date created: The date the program was originally created.
  • Date modified: The date the program was last modified.
  • Total users: The total number of users specified in the cohort either individually or from within an audience.
  • Invited users: The total number of users specified in an optional cohort.
  • Enrolled users: The number of learners enrolled in the learning program.
  • Engaged users: The number of learners from the cohort who launched at least one item in the learning program, but who have not yet completed it.
  • Completed users: The number of learners from the cohort who completed all content in the learning program.
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