Percipio Learning - Download a CSV File

Percipio Learning - Download a CSV File

Percipio uses a CSV file to import or update multiple users at once. The file can be opened in a spreadsheet program (such as Microsoft Excel) and edited directly. Prevalidate the CSV file to ensure your file has no errors

To download a CSV file

  1. From the Admin menu, click USERS > User Management. The User Management page displays.
  2. Click one of the available links:
    • Download Template: A CSV file with only the headers populated. These headers contain the CSV field values listed below, with any user attributes your organization has implemented.
    • Download List: A CSV file with the same headers described above, but it also includes all of the user profile data for your organization's existing Percipio users.

CSV fields and accepted values

Note: Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an open standard that allows identity providers to pass authorization credentials to service providers. SAML enables Single-Sign On (SSO), which allows users to use their company credentials to sign into Percipio.

If any of your attributes contain special characters, save the import file as CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) (*.csv) to maintain the special characters during the import.

CSV field IDCorresponding Percipio field nameDescriptionRequirements (if any)
loginNameLogin Name

*Required field for non-SAML organizations

Name used to access Percipio. This must be unique within an organization (if SAML is activated, only USER ID is required). The Login Name can only contain alphanumeric characters and/or some special characters, including:

  • @ (at symbol)
  • _ (underscore)
  • + (plus sign)
  • - (hyphen)
  • . (period)
Maximum length 128
externalUserIdUser ID

*Required field for SAML organizations

The ID used to identify a user inside Percipio. This must be a unique value within an organization. If you do not specify a User ID the system uses the login name by default. If SAML is activated, the SAML ID is used for the User ID.

If you make this value equivalent to a user's Microsoft account email address, then the user gets automatically logged in when using MS Teams.

Maximum length 255
newExternalUserId<no field in Percipio>

Used to update an existing externalUserID (the ID used to identify a user inside Percipio) during bulk import.

migrationID<no field in Percipio>

*Optional field

Used to link existing Academy users or Skillport Advanced Compliance users to user IDs within Percipio.

Note: If you have an older version of the CSV file without this column, you must manually add this as a new column to your file. Enter migrationID as the column header, and save the file prior to uploading it to Percipio. You can leave the column blank.



This field is for new users only and is the password used to access Percipio. The password must be at least 8 characters long and consist of 3 of the following 4 types of characters:

  • Lower case letters
  • Upper case letters
  • Numbers
  • Special characters (for example, !@#$%^&* )
Note: Use this field to set the initial password for new users only. Values added to this field for existing users are ignored to ensure that any user-created passwords are not overwritten. The value in this field is not used for users accessing Percipio via network credentials (SAML/SSO).

At least 8 characters plus complexity rules

If you specify a password, new users are automatically prompted to change their password on first login unless you set the mustresetpassword to NO.

If you don't a specify a password, users receive a separate email during their first login that prompts them to set a password.

firstNameFirst Name

*Optional field

First name of the user. Users can download certificates of completion only if this field and the Last Name field is entered.

Maximum length 255
lastNameLast Name

*Optional field

Last name of the user. Users can download certificates of completion only if this field and the First Name field is entered.

Maximum length 255
middleInitialMiddle initial

*Optional field

Middle initial of the user. Users see this on certificates of completion provided a first and last name have also been specified.


*Optional field

Valid values include: IIIIIIEsq.Jr.JRMDPhD., and Sr.

Suffix of the user. Users see this on certificates of completion provided a first and last name have also been specified.


*Optional field

Used by Percipio to send email notifications. The email address must be unique for each user. Users can sign into Percipio using their email address instead of their Login Name.

Maximum length 255

*Optional field

Defines the level of access a user has within Percipio. All user roles have access to Percipio Learner.

  • site admin: Access to the learner platform and all administrator functions.
  • learning admin: Usually responsible for multiple teams of users. Access to the learner platform, as well as the reports and dashboards for audiences assigned to them (via the Audience Owner designation).
  • manager: Usually responsible for a team of users. Access to the learner platform, as well as the reports and dashboards for audiences assigned to them (via the Audience Owner designation).
  • content curator: Access to the learner platform, as well as the library management and custom content areas of Percipio Admin.
  • content coordinator:  Access to the learner platform, as well as the custom content area of Percipio Admin.
  • learner: Access to the learner platform only. This is the default role for new users.

If you added custom roles, enter the exact name you gave the custom role.

For a complete description of all roles and their specific privileges, see User Roles.



StatusStatus determines a user's access to Percipio.
  • active: the user can log on to the platform. This is the default status for newly created users.
  • inactive: the user can’t log on to the platform. However, a user's historical activity is retained.
isinstructorAssign Live Course instructor privileges

*Optional field

Assigns instructor privileges to a user so they can manage a roster for a class they teach. Values are not case sensitive.

If you want to assign the user with instructor privileges, the following values are acceptable:
  • TRUE
  • YES

If you do not want to assign instructor privileges, the following values are acceptable:

  • NO
  • leave the field blank
approvalManagerApproval Manager

*Optional field.

Allows you to assign one approval manager to a user.

Enter the external user ID or email address of the manager who can approve things like Live Course registration requests.

The approval manager must have an active user account in Percipio. The approval manager can have any user role.

If the name to be added to the Approval Manager field is being created in the current import, the field will be correctly populated. If the user to be added to the Approval Manager field does not exist or is not present in the bulk list, Percipio reports an error.

hasCoachingShow a link in the user's profile menu that opens their Skillsoft Coaching account

*Optional field

Allows you to display a Skillsoft Coaching link in the user's My Profile menu.

Values are not case sensitive.

If you want the user to see the Skillsoft Coaching link in My Profile, the following values are acceptable:

  • TRUE
  • YES

If you do not want the user to see the Skillsoft Coaching link in My Profile, the following values are acceptable:

  • NO
  • leave the field blank

Setting this value to true or yes does not create a Skillsoft Coaching account for the user.

(Currently this is an advance setting. The link in My Profile is coming soon.)

welcomeEmailLanguageWelcome email language (on the Engagement & Notifications page)

Specifies the language of the Welcome emails for each user in your organization. Enter the value you want to associate to the user. You can find the appropriate value from the list of supported languages.

Note: Languages are not case sensitive within the CSV file. During import, all language values automatically convert to lowercase.

If left blank, Percipio defaults the Welcome emails to the language selected in the Email template language section on the Engagement page.

The specified language on the CSV file overrides the selection on the Engagement page.

<user attributes>Custom user attributes for your site

Each custom attribute in your organization's Percipio site has a column. Enter the values you want to associate to a user.

Note: Attributes are not case-sensitive within the CSV file. During import, all user attribute values automatically convert to lowercase.
  • String attributes: The entered value must be unique to each user. See Create a String Attribute for details.
    • String attribute values retain their case ("Location" is considered a different value than "location" or "LOCation"). Date = date format, and Percipio user is the userID

  • List attributes: Ensure existing List attribute values in the CSV file match those in the attribute's Values column on the User Attributes list.
    • New values for List attributes are only accepted if the attribute is set to allow the creation of new values. See Create a List Attribute for details.
    • List attribute values use the first instance of a value for all subsequent values ("Location" is the same as "location" and "LOCation").

    • If a custom list attribute has the Allow multiple values to be selected for this attribute option selected, you can specify multiple values for an individual user by separating each value with a | (pipe) character. If you update existing values, you must still include all current values you want to keep, along with any new ones.

    • If you bulk import to update existing user data, any items entered in this field overwrite what is currently specified. If you leave the list field blank, current values specified are removed.

  • Percipio User attributes: The entered value must be either an existing Percipio User ID or an email address. See Assign a Percipio User Attribute for details.
  • Date Attributes: The entered date value can be in any of the following formats; see Assign a Date Attribute for details.
    • 2019-10-31 (this is preferred format)
    • 2019-10-31T12:34:78.678Z
    • Thurs, 31 Oct 2019 00:18:56 +0000
    • Thurs, 31 Oct 2019
    • 31 Oct 2019

Maximum length 255

Date types: any valid ISO8601 or RFC2822 formatted date string

User types: reference email or externalUserId of existing accounts

Additional CSV Fields

The fields below do not appear when you download a bulk import template. You can manually add a column to the bulk import template anywhere after the loginName and externalUserID columns, if needed. Label the new column exactly as indicated in the CSV field ID column from the table below.

CSV field IDCorresponding Percipio field nameDescriptionNotes or Requirements (if any)
mustResetPasswordRequire users to change their password next time they login.

*Optional field

Requires users to reset their password when signing in. Values are not case sensitive.

If you want to require a user to change her password, the following values are acceptable:
  • TRUE
  • YES
  • 1
  • leave the field blank

If you do not want to require a user to change her password, the following values are acceptable:

  • NO
  • 0

If the mustResetPassword column is not included in your CSV file:

  • New users in the CSV file that have a value specified in the newPassword column will be required to change their password when they first sign in (the newPassword value is their temporary password).
  • Existing users in the CSV file are not required to change their password.

Insert this column with a value of NO if you do not want new users to reset the password you defined for them.

Insert this column with a value of Yes if you want existing users to reset their password on their next login.

updatePassword<no field in Percipio>

*Optional field

Specify a new password for the user. The password must be at least 8 characters long and consist of 3 of the following 4 types of characters:

  • Lower case letters
  • Upper case letters
  • Numbers
  • Special characters (for example, !@#$%^&* )

If you leave the field blank, the user retains their existing password. Percipio does not notify the user of the password change.

If you are resetting passwords for multiple users and using the same password for all, for security reasons, add the mustResetPassword field to your bulk import file to force users to create their own password upon sign-in.

At least 8 characters plus complexity rules


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