Create a New Learning Program

Create a New Learning Program

Create a New Learning Program

There are essentially two parts to a learning program. The first part is the learning program itself which contains the title, description, business objective and content. The second part is the cohort which is the group of people who go through the program together at the same time. A learning program can contain multiple cohorts that each have different due dates, different social collaboration spaces, and different notifications.

Site Admins: Site Admins and any other admin role with the manage Programs privilege.

To create a new learning program

  1. From the left navigation bar, select Learning > Learning programs. The Learning Program page displays.
  2. Select Create Learning Program. The Create Learning Program workflow displays with five steps.
  3. After you describe your assignment, you can do one of three things:
    1. Cancel: closes the learning program without saving changes.
    2. Save as draft: closes the new learning program, saves your changes into a Draft status, and returns you to the Learning Program page. You can modify this program later.
    3. Next: Add journey: saves your current changes and takes you to the next step.
  4. After you add content and have it arranged in the appropriate order, you can do one of three things:
    1. Cancel: closes the program without saving any changes up to this point.
    2. Save as draft: closes the new learning program, saves your changes into a Draft status, and returns you to the Learning Program page. You can modify this program later.
    3. Next: Manage cohort(s): saves your current changes and takes you to the next step.
  5. After you add the details for the first cohort, you can do one of three things:
    1. Cancel: closes the new program without saving any changes up to this point.
    2. Save as draft: closes the new learning program, saves your changes into a Draft status, and returns you to the Learning Program page. You can modify this program later.
    3. Next: Finish creating cohort: saves your current changes and returns you to the Manage cohort step where you can add another cohort. When you are done adding cohorts, you can select Next: Manage notifications.
  6. After you configure and preview your emails, you can do one of three things:
    • Cancel: closes the learning program without saving any changes up to this point.
    • Save as draft: closes the new learning program, saves your changes into a Draft status, and returns you to the Learning Program page. You can modify this program later.
    • Next: Review and launch: saves your current changes and takes you to the next step.
  7. Step 5: Review all your settings for this learning program. Edit anything that looks amiss.

  8. When you are ready, select one of the following options:

    • Cancel: closes the learning program without saving any changes up to this point.
    • Save as draft: closes the new learning program, saves your changes into a Draft status, and returns you to the Learning Program page. You can modify this program later.
    • Next: Launch program: Takes you to the final confirmation page.
  9. When you are ready, select one of the following options:

    • Save as draft: closes the new learning program, saves your changes into a Draft status, and returns you to the Learning Program page. You can modify this program later.
    • Launch program: Places the learning program for each cohort you added into one of the following statuses:
    • If the Start date is today, the learning program and cohort is placed in an In progress status and the program is immediately available to your learners. The initial email notification with the program details sends at the date and time you specified in step 9. Modifications to the program content cannot be made, but you can make changes to the journey and edit the program and cohort details.
    • If the Start date is in the future, the learning program is placed In progress and the cohort is placed in a Scheduled status and the email notification, if enabled, sends at the date and time you specified in step 9. Modifications to the program content cannot be made, but you can make changes to the journey and edit the program and cohort details.

Learning programs with the same due date are listed by when the program is launched, in ascending order, on a learner's Program page and on the home page.

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