Percipio Learning - Content Bulk Import CSV Fields

Percipio Learning - Content Bulk Import CSV Fields

Percipio uses a CSV file to import multiple external links at once. The file can be opened in a spreadsheet program (such as Microsoft Excel) and edited directly.

Use the following table to help you identify how to populate each field of the CSV file.

FieldDescriptionRequiredDefault Value

This ID is the unique identifier for this content item. Each content item must have its own ID.

Skillsoft recommends that you create a standard format that you can use across your organization to identify different content. This field can contain alphanumeric and these special characters: - @ , $ and #.


No default value.

If left blank, the validation as well as the import fails to create the content.


Not applicable for new content.

Not Mandatory

No default value.

Percipio leaves this field blank if you do not specify anything.


This is an internal Percipio content identifier. Not required for new content items.

Not Mandatory

No default value.

Percipio leaves this field blank if you do not specify anything.


Specify the title of the content item that you are adding. This is what the user sees when searching or browsing for your content.


No default value.

If left blank, the validation as well as import fails to create the content.


Specify the description of the content item that needs to be created. The user sees this to help them decide if the content is right for them.

Can be used to change the description of existing content items


No default value.

If left blank, the validation as well as import fails to create the content.


The URL link to the content item.



No default value.

If left blank, the validation as well as import fails to create the content.


The URL where the image you want associated with the content item exists. If the image is on a local drive, you must add it separately by editing the content item after bulk import.

Non-MandatoryIf left blank, learners see the default custom content image provided by Percipio.

Determine on what tab within the channel the item displays. Accepted values:

  • read
  • watch
  • listen
  • practice

Not case sensitive.


No default value.

If left blank, the validation as well as import fails to create the content.


The language should be in the two character format as shown below:

  • For English use: en
  • For Spanish use: es
  • For Brazilian Portuguese use: pt
  • For French use: fr
  • For German use: de
  • For Japanese use: ja
  • For Chinese use: zh

Only Percipio supported languages are valid.

Non-MandatoryIf no value or an incorrect value is provided the default language that is assigned to the content is English.

Type is a universally recognized classification that defines how the content will be consumed by the learner. When learners use search filters, this is the label they would select in order to locate this item. For example, the category type for an external link could be Video if you are linking to a YouTube video or Job Aid if you are linking to an internal Sharepoint document.

Skillsoft recommends that you define and use a standard convention.

Free form field.

MandatoryDefault value is Course

ISO-8601 format is accepted. Accepted format:

40 minutes = PT40M

1 hour 10 minutes = PT1H10M


For passive content like books, documents, and websites we recommend you base duration on 300 words = 1 minute.

For unknown duration, you can set the value to PT1S.


This determines the way content can be tracked. Accepted values:

  • launch: item is marked complete when a learner launches it.
  • self_reported: item is marked complete when a learner marks it complete.

Not case sensitive.

Non-MandatoryIf no Tracking method is provided, the content item defaults to LAUNCH.
authorAn admin can define the author for the content, if applicable.Non-MandatoryPercipio leaves this field blank if you do not specify anything.

An admin can define the expertise level for the content Accepted values:

  • beginner
  • expert
  • advanced
  • everyone

Not case sensitive.

sourceSource is who owns the intellectual property; it is not the platform where the item resides, such as YouTube or SharePoint. You might designate Source as an internal department, vendor, or speaker.

Free form.


No default value.

If left blank, the validation as well as import fails to create the content


This is the technology associated with the content item.

Free Form

Example: Java or Microsoft

Non MandatoryPercipio leaves this field blank if you do not specify anything.

This is the technology version associated with the content item.

Free Form

Example: 8.0 or 360

Non MandatoryPercipio leaves this field blank if you do not specify anything.

Add the name of an existing custom channel to allow for automatic curation of the content.

The channel can be in a draft or published state.

Non Mandatory

Percipio leaves this field blank if you do not specify anything.

If the channel you add does not match exactly an existing channel, Percipio overlooks this field and your content is not added to any channel.


Identify what devices this content is compatible with.

Accepted values:

  • desktop_only
  • desktop_and_tablet
  • desktop_and_tablet_and_mobile

Not case sensitive.


If the content you are uploading is associated with any type of certification, you can add a descriptor to indicate that for the user.

Free text

Non MandatoryPercipio leaves this field blank if you do not specify anything.

A date in the future that you want this content to retire. Percipio automatically retires the content for you on that date.

You will get notified when this content is going to retire.

Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD 

Non MandatoryPercipio leaves this field blank if you do not specify anything.

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