Percipio Learning - Bulk Import Error Messages

Percipio Learning - Bulk Import Error Messages

These errors can occur when uploading your CSV file.

Note: If a column is not required and it does not match the case of the header row from the template file, the data in the column is ignored during bulk import.
CSV fieldError messageReasonSolution



One or more of the entered login names is formatted incorrectly.

Check your login names to ensure they only contain alphanumeric characters and/or the following special characters:
  • @ (at symbol)
  • _ (underscore)
  • + (plus sign)
  • - (hyphen)
  • . (period)


login_name->field_too_longOne or more login names exceed the allowed maximum character length.Ensure all login names are no longer than 128 characters.



One or more login names are already in use in Percipio.

Login names cannot be reused.

Change the login name to be a unique value within Percipio.



One or more login names exist within Percipio, with different casing.

Login names are not case-sensitive, so you cannot use the same name with different casing for different users (for example, the login name JohnSmith is seen as the same as a login name of johnsmith).

Change the login name to a unique value within Percipio.



One or more user IDs are already in use in Percipio.

User IDs are not case-sensitive, so you cannot use the same name with different casing for different users (for example, the user ID john_smith is seen as the same as a user ID of John_Smith).

Change the user ID to a unique value within Percipio.



One or more user IDs are already in use in Percipio.

User IDs cannot be reused.

Change the user ID to a unique value within Percipio.


external_id->field_too_longOne or more user IDs exceed the allowed maximum character length.Ensure each user ID is no longer than 255 characters.


One or more user statuses are not entered correctly.

Check your status column to ensure only active or inactive is entered on each line.

One or more roles is entered incorrectly.

Ensure the roles in this column are either site adminlearning adminmanagercontent curatorcontent coordinator, or learner.
emailemail->invalid_email_formatOne or more emails addresses are not formatted correctly.

Check that your email addresses are in the following format:
user-specific character(s), @ symbol, a case-insensitive domain




One or more emails are already in use in Percipio.

Emails cannot be reused.

Change the email to a unique value within Percipio.


email->field_too_longOne or more emails exceed the allowed maximum character length.Ensure each email address is no longer than 255 characters.
newPasswordpassword->at_least_8_charactersOne or more do not meet the minimum character length requirement.Check your passwords and ensure they meet the minimum required length of 8 characters.

One or more passwords do not meet the complexity requirements.

Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and consist of 3 of the following 4 types of characters:
  • Lower case letters
  • Upper case letters
  • Numbers
  • Special characters (for example, !@#$%^&* )


first_name->field_too_longOne or more first names exceed the allowed maximum character length.Ensure each name is no longer than 255 characters.


last_name->field_too_longOne or more last names exceed the allowed maximum character length.Ensure each name is no longer than 255 characters.
  1. One or more of the headers in the CSV file have been modified and no longer match the columns in the original CSV template.
  2. One or more of the required headings are missing in the CSV file.

  1. Ensure the headers in your CSV file match the headers in the CSV template file. Access the template file on the User List page (click Download Template).
  2. If you are updating users, you must have the externalID header in your CSV file.
    If you are creating new users, you must have the login_name and newPassword headers in your CSV file.

User attributes

attribute name->forbidden_user_attribute_value

One or more values for the user attribute does not exist, and the attribute is not set to allow new value creations.

Check the specified user attribute values and enter only those that exist for your organization.

If you need an additional value for the user attribute, contact your Site Admin to add the value to the user attribute.

User attributes

attribute name->field_too_long

One or more of the custom attribute values exceed the allowed maximum character length.Ensure all attribute values are no more than 255 characters.

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