PeopleFluent Learning - Awarded Certificates CSV Loader Field Reference

PeopleFluent Learning - Awarded Certificates CSV Loader Field Reference

Use the reference table below to help you correctly format the awarded certificates data you want to import via the Awarded Certificates CSV Loader.

Administrators with unrestricted access to the Awarded Certificates CSV Loader feature in System Roles (Manage Features > Certification Manager) can import awarded certificates CSV files.

To import awarded certificates data and review previous imports, go to Manage Center > Learning > Awarded Certificates CSV Loader.


If certificate award attributes have been defined, they are added to the end of the CSV file and prefixed with CT-.


Table: Awarded Certificates CSV Loader Field Reference


FieldContentData Handling
ACTIONActionA for Add or D for Delete
USERIDUser IDMandatory. The user ID of the user to award the certification to.
CERTIFICATION_TITLECertification NameEither a certification code or a certification name must be provided. If a certification code is not provided, the row will be skipped if more than one certificate matches the given certification name.
CERTIFICATION_CODECertification CodeA unique value among certificates. Either a certification code or a certification name must be provided.
AWARD_IDAward IDThe Award ID of the certificate award. Mandatory when deleting certification awards, this is automatically generated when adding records.
DATE_ACHIEVEDAchievement dateMandatory. If not specified, the record will be skipped. Preferred Date Format: dd-MMM-yyyy (as specified in System Configuration).
EXPIRE_DATEExpire dateOptional. If not specified, it will be computed based on the certification validity period and the achievement date. Preferred Date Format: dd-MMM-yyyy (as specified in System Configuration).
COMMENTSCommentsOptional. Maximum 255 characters. The import process skips records with invalid comments and generates an error report.
ASSIGNMENTIDAssignment IDOptional. The ID of the users assignment in which the certification should be awarded.
IS_SELF_AWARDEDIs Self AwardMandatory. Must be Y or N.
  • Y - Yes
  • N - No
STATUSStatusConditional. When IS_SELF_AWARDED = Y, Status is required. Must be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4.
  • 0 - Open for Editing
  • 1 - Pending Approval
  • 2 - Approved
  • 3 - Approval Denied
  • 4 - Cancelled
ATTACHMENT_URLAbsolute or relative URL

Optional. A valid URL for the PDF certificate attachment. For example, or /nd/fresco/repository/tec.pdf.

URLs can be a maximum of 255 characters in length, and must be accessible by the LMS without any additional authorization, such as Single Sign-On (SSO) authorization. The import process skips records with invalid URLs and generates an error report.

The maximum PDF attachment size 5 MB.

Value for certificate award drop-down attribute with specified attribute codeCode related to the drop-down value to set for the attribute. Enter NONE to clear.
Value for certificate award date attribute with specified attribute codeMust be in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, e.g., 2010-08-25 13:00:00 denotes August 25, 2010, 1:00 p.m. Enter NONE to clear.
CT-AttributeCodeValue for certificate award attribute with specified attribute code (not of drop-down or date type)Any Text (Max field length:2,000). Enter *NONE* to clear.