A cohort is a group of learners who go through a learning program together. After you create a learning program, you can add a cohort at any time except if the program has been archived.
Site admins and content coordinators and content curators with program management privileges can add cohorts to any learning program.
You can create two types of cohorts:
Optionally, link to a Social platform: Choose whether to add a link to a dedicated space in a social platform where learners in this cohort can collaborate on this program. The link shows to the learner when they access the learning program and in email notifications.
To add a link to a social platform
Optionally, Set leaderboard visibility. When checked, this option allows learners to view a leaderboard to see how they rank with others enrolled in the cohort for progress in the learning program. Leaderboards are great ways to keep learners motivated and engaged to achieve completion.
Optionally, Set leaderboard visibility. When checked, this option allows users to view a leaderboard to see how they rank with others enrolled in the cohort for progress in the learning program. Leaderboards are great ways to keep learners motivated and engaged to achieve completion.
This is where you specify how you want to notify learners in each cohort about the program. You can choose initial notifications, reminder notifications, and completion notifications separately for each cohort. You can customize each email. To see sample emails, see Learning Program Notifications.
From the Manage emails step, first select the cohort whose emails you want to manage. Then under each of the three notification tabs, select and configure the three types of notifications you want to send.
Some important information about initial notifications: